Monday, August 1, 2011

Writing a Novel - off to a good start.

Okay, so, being impatient, I couldn't wait until November for the Write a novel in 30 days challenge.

There is some logic to my decision to jump right in.

I am registered for classes this fall and they start on Aug. 22, so I really need to have this project completed by then, because come November, I'll be in the middle of classes AND I'll be in the middle of the kids school programs too.

But, I didn't want to make so many excuses that I talked myself out of it because I really believe that I can do this and I believe that I will be a better writer for it.

So, I didn't wait for any special day. I just dove right into the project.

Day One: Goal: 1, 667 words (that's 50,000 divided by 30)
Day One Accomplishment: 5,069
Day Two: Goal: 3,334
Day Two Accomplishment: 6,260

But, in no plot, no problem, it is made very clear that the first week is easy because it's exciting. So, right now, I'm just working on staying ahead of the daily word count. Week One progress here.

Also, I'm contemplating posting what I have so far, just for laughs (because it's an exercise in quantity, not quality).
Here's a clue:
Chelsea Harris is a middle aged woman, stay at home wife, and mother. She is somewhat OCD, somewhat ADD, somewhat depressed, somewhat anxious, somewhat delusional. Chelsea is taking a class to learn how to write her life story - her memoir. The text alternates between her writing and her current life. Here's a snippet from her Memoir.

I would wake up in the middle of the night, and feel like there was someone under my bed. Not just an imaginary vision of some creature under my bed, but I could actually feel movement, like there was someone on the bottom bunk pushing their feet against the underside of my mattress.
I remember asking to sleep on the bottom bunk, but it didn’t make a difference. I could still feel movement in my mattress.
I know now it was probably mice.

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