Saturday, July 30, 2011

NaNoWriMo - Can I really?

So, the other day, I stopped by the local library and found this book. No Plot, No Problem
As a writer and reader who loves to read all things on writing, I grabbed it.
I read the entire book that afternoon, and recalled the NaNoWriMo concept as I had run across it before.
NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. The concept is that you write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. Crazy, right?

Well, not really such a crazy idea. In fact, by the time I finished reading the book, I was convinced that I should start right now. It's not the first of the month, but it's Saturday and there is nothing on my calendar, so I decided to do a test. How much of a story could I actually get down on paper in one day?

See, I've already started to make excuses to myself as to why I will fail to reach the 50,000 word mark. I have six kids who are relying on me to be their teacher and provide them with an education. That is a full time position.
But, others have held down full time jobs and still accomplished this enormous task.
Then, I also have six kids and a husband who expect to live in a clean house with clean clothes to wear and three meals to eat every day. I could eat junk for a month, but could they?
Then, there is the fact that I have registered for classes this semester and they will be in full swing come November...

But, really? It's all just excuses right?

Now, then, there is the question: apart from all my excuses, can I actually do this?
Well, I say, if I can count the words I write on my blog, then I'll make it for sure.

To all my writer friends, I invite you to visit the site and see if you are up to the challenge. I invite you to join me in a little bit of craziness. Week One Progress

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