Monday, January 16, 2012

My Family

So, I have to choose a family to analyze.
Well, my regular readers already know who I will choose.
I'm too busy with my own life to pay attention to the intimate details going on in someone else's home, SO without further ado: I choose ME!

Mom + Dad = half a dozen blessings.
Married for 17 years, two teenage girls, two preteen boys, and two toddlers.
Dad is a Vicar, Mom is a writer.
Mom hangs out all day in her favorite chair, bossing the kids around, making them LEARN stuff.
Dad works ALL the time, but mostly he's just down the hall so we can go bug him whenever we want.

That's US!

My family definition was "...small, kinship structured group whose primary function is the nurturing socialization of newborn children." (p.4) For a more elaborate discussion, see my post on Defining Family

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