Wednesday, September 14, 2011

FREE! Get FREE! stuff here

That's what the ad on my table says. The word FREE is in BIG BOLD lettering. The word TOWEL slightly lighter and smaller text.
The bottom left hand corner of the ad tells me to go to for details. (I'm providing the link, not because I think it's a great deal, but because I'm using their ad to make a point, and it only seems fair)

So, in a really, really, really tiny font size that I can barely read it says, "*with 5 UPC's plus $5.00 shipping and handling."

That is what I call NOT FREE! Technically, the towel may be free, but the soap you have to buy to get the UPC's is NOT and $5 is not the world's cheapest towel.

I bring this up because, I often see blogs and ads about free stuff or nearly free stuff, or hear people talking about the free gift and free products that they received, and I'm here to tell you to read the fine print.

So, I challenge all my readers to check the prices of towels the next time you are out. Can you buy a towel for $5 where you normally shop?

1 comment:

  1. Good example! You have to provide your email, and your home phone, address, etc. Then, you have to complete a specified number of offers, which involve buying something or signing up for something that costs, and then....
    There are probably more requirements after that, but I didn't actually buy any of the offers, so I didn't get to go to the next step.
    I see a lot of these "too good to be true" offers. Thanks for posting such a great example.
